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Our office is currently closed to visitors, however we are still in!


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Ure Accounting Services Inc. has proudly been serving Southwestern Ontario since 1987, specializing in personalized taxation and accounting services. Our CPA, Allen Ure, has been sharing his expertise since 1967. In addition to our certified accountant, we have the skills, knowledge, and charisma to handle your accounting needs. We are ready to undertake any financial challenges that you may have as your trusted tax planner and financial advisor.

Office Conference
Home: About Us


We have an outstanding track record in dealing with a wide variety of tax and accounting demands. Ure Accounting Services Inc. has worked with individuals and businesses - from small startups to large corporations - and is equipped for any challenge that may come our way. Whatever financial management advice you may need, please contact us to see how we can help.

Men with Calculator
Image by Zoriana Stakhniv


We stay up-to-date on all the regulatory and legislative developments so you don’t waste time and energy trying to make sense of all the accounting complexities. Contact us today and see how we can help.


Our advisors provide individualized services to help alleviate your financial uncertainty and stress. With many years of experience, our experts have the knowledge and expertise to handle most situations.


Our on staff CDFA, Karolyn, specializes in divorce financial planning, consulting and analysis.  She works with you and your lawyer or mediator to serve as an Expert Financial Analyst. Her role is to identify the short-term and long-term effects of dividing property, to bring an innovative and creative approach to settling cases and provide data that shows the financial effect of any given divorce settlement.

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23 Cecil Street South
PO Box 100
Ridgetown, Ontario

519 674 5551

FAX 519 674 0983


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